It’s a jungle out there… And in here it isn’t much different. Producers are chasing you and deadlines are lurking in the bushes to eat you alive!
But don’t worry. Hippo’s are chunky, but surprisingly fast and strong-willed. Currently we are on the lookout for a creative, energetic, slightly crazy motion designer with a wicked sense of humor.
You will not only be working on animations for TV and online but also helping to create concepts that will not only blow our clients minds, but help them to realize their goals. Not an easy task, but hey… who said life was easy anyway?
If you’re currently studying Communication & Multimedia Design or something similar and you’re looking for an adventurous internship, then get your tail over here because we are looking for new, talented Hippo’s!
You’ll be working alongside our editors slash motion designers slash 3D artists slash hard working, hiphop loving, wisecracking film nerds based in lovely Velp.
Hippo’s are lovable creatures, but we can move quickly and take surprising turns. So to keep up with us, you’ll have to be enthusiastic, curious and energetic. Oh, and wicked dance moves or a sly sense of humor are much appreciated. Your language skills in Dutch and English should be excellent, and an interest in film, art and design has never hurt anyone.
Still reading this? Then you must be motivated to join our team, interested in what it could bring you and/or fascinated by our copywriting skills. Anyway, get in touch with us and we could talk some more.